Summer Adult Bike Education

Posted on May 21, 2021 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Summer Adult Bike Education

This summer Quincycles and the Mayor’s Bicycle Commission are offering classes for adults and mature teens age 16+ who want to learn to ride a bicycle or improve their bike handling skills. We are partnering with the Thomas Crane Library for classes in Basic Bike Maintenance and Fix a Flat. Come get rolling and learn how to keep yourself on the ride!

Learn to Ride a Bike for Adults

Bike Skills 101 for Adults

Basic Bike Maintenance — Thomas Crane Public Library

Fix a Flat — Thomas Crane Public Library

On-bike classes will be held at the South Shore YMCA parking lot on Coddington Street. We are grateful to the South Shore YMCA for their generosity in allowing us to utilize their parking lot for these classes and encourage you to support the Rodman Ride for Kids.


  1. bike class info

    • Hi Marianne, We are currently in the planning stage for our bike education this year. There are also options for private lessens if you are interested. Please reach out to Quincycles(at)gmail(dot)com and we can point you in the right direction for that and add you to our email list.

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