Please join us for our first ride this season. Volunteers John H and Tim L will lead us on a route from Quincy Center to Houghs Neck and back. Approximately 10 miles. Part of this route will be on the Dike (also known as the Berm) — a hard packed dirt path that is potentially part of the Presidents Coast trail. QATV’s Joe Catalano recently interviewed PJ Foley, Scott Bishop and Bill Burt about plans for the Presidents Coast. If you haven’t seen the plans for this potential active transportation trail, have a look at Bishop Land Design’s preliminary design work and public outreach funded by the Community Preservation Coalition
Quincycles rides are open to members and non-members. Bicycling involves certain inherent risks. Your participation in a Quincycles ride constitutes your agreement to this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release. Please review our Ride Guidelines before the ride and check here and our Facebook page for weather related updates