Quincycles started 10 years ago and we have so much to celebrate. We are a volunteer group and we would not be where we are without all of you. We want to thank you for your membership, your support, and most of all for biking in Quincy! Please register so we can plan for you.
Join the Bicycle Commission meeting to learn about city projects and express your concerns and ideas. Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89060296869?pwd=U3ZpTkludnd4UjJMeVpRWEw2RFIrUT09 Meeting ID: 890 6029 6869 Passcode: Bike
Ride with Quincycles to join West Rox Bikes and cohosts Rozzie Bikes, Dedham Bikes, Women on Wheels, Brothers on Bikes, and Parkway Cycling Club for a fun filled fall bicycle party at Roundhead Brewing Company in Hyde Park.