Saturday June 15, 6:45 pm. Meet at Quincy High School, Coddington St. Join us for a slow roll along Hancock Street to celebrate all things patriotic in Quincy and our growing cycling community. This is a great ride for kids and families! We gather at Quincy High School at 6:15 and join the well-organized throngs to roll the parade route starting at 7pm. Please feel free to bring young ones and to ride in patriotic costume. Please bring a spare tube and read our Ride Guidelines before you come. Quincycles rides are open to members and non-members. Bicycling involves certain inherent risks. Your participation in a Quincycles ride constitutes your agreement to this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release. Please review our Ride Guidelines before the ride and check our Facebook page for weather related...
Read MoreJoin us to celebrate all things patriotic in Quincy. We gather at Quincy High School at 6:15 and join the well-organized throngs to roll the parade route starting at 7pm.
Read MoreJoin us to celebrate all things patriotic in Quincy. We gather at Quincy High School at 6:15 and join the well-organized throngs to roll the parade route starting at 7pm. Please feel free to bring young ones and to ride in patriotic costume or not. The parade ends at Pageant Field for festivities and fireworks.
Read MoreJoin Quincycles in the annual Quincy Flag Day Parade scheduled for Saturday, June 13 at 7:00pm! Come out and join the fun and help promote bicycling in Quincy. Marchers are asked to show up by 6:00pm at the Thomas Crane Library. The 1.2 mile parade steps-off at 7 p.m. at the intersection of Coddington and Hancock Streets and proceeds north on Hancock Street to Merrymount Parkway, disbanding at Pageant Field. Let us know if you are planning on joining us: Thanks and hope to see you there! Hans Dietrich is our ride leader for this event. Please contact him at for more information.
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